Now You Know

No, by the grace of God, you will NOT plead ignorance. You will NOT testify that you never knew any better because no one ever taught you anything better. You will not plead that you were never told.

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Maureen Dowd - Screwed, Blued and Tattooed

Maureen Dowd - Screwed, Blued and Tattooed

That maven of menopausal moronic mindlessness, Maureen Down, gets her comeuppance from Tim Blair.

Oh the humanity!

It looks like he put a stop to her period. Or should that be, "It looks like he put a stop to her. Period."?

Note to self: Don't fark with Tim Blair.

You've been told and NOW YOU KNOW.

Update: Aaaaaaaaaaarrrrrggh! My eyes! My eyes! David, that was cruel and unusual punishment. Pardon me while I go heave my intestinal tract out my nostrils.

Jim Treacher has a perfect and pithy response to Dowd's Catwoman fantasy:
"Maybe she should start fantasizing about good writers instead."
Posted by Jim Treacher on 03/13 at 01:08 PM • #


You've been told and NOW YOU KNOW even more.