Now You Know

No, by the grace of God, you will NOT plead ignorance. You will NOT testify that you never knew any better because no one ever taught you anything better. You will not plead that you were never told.

Thursday, February 02, 2006


The web log sphere, at least the sane denizens of it, are promoting a "Buy Danish!" campaign to show our support of Denmark and its stance for free speech. If you wonder what the free speech issue is, see Michelle Malkin here, and/or LGF here. Also, see the petition in support of Jyllands Posten here.

I wholeheartedly support the "Buy Danish" campaign and urge all of you to do the same. A good list of Danish products can be found here.

You've been told and NOW YOU KNOW.

P.S. It seems the US State Dept. has joined the Dhimmi snivelers and whiners. I just want the fine people of Denmark, as well as the rest of the civilized world, to know that the US State Dept. does not speak for me, nor does it speak for the majority of Americans.

You've been told and NOW YOU KNOW even more.

Monday, June 13, 2005

La Shawn Barber Launches New Business Website

I haven't had the time or the opportunity to do any blogging for quite awhile now, but this news is definitely worth sharing with you all.

A very talented and experienced writer is in the process of launching her new business here.

Please join me in congratulating La Shawn Barber regarding her exciting new enterprise, which is sure to be a success with such a gifted and dynamic individual at its head.

Please also keep La Shawn and her incipient business in your prayers so that God may bless both her and her new endeavor richly and abundantly.

Her new business is called The Language Artist, and the brilliant tagline she has chosen is "The business of communication; the art of language."

Three cheers for La Shawn as she embarks on this challenging and innovative career!

Sunday, April 24, 2005

Pope Benedict XVI's Inaugural Homily

Here is the text of the complete homily delivered by Pope Benedict XVI on the occasion of his inaugural mass on Sunday April 24, 2005:

Homily - Inauguration Mass

Homily of Pope Benedict XVI of the Mass for the Imposition of the Pallium, the Conferral of the Fisherman's Ring, and the Inauguration of the Pontificate, given in St. Peter's Square, Sunday 24 April 2005.

Your Eminences,
My dear Brother Bishops and Priests,
Distinguished Authorities and Members of the Diplomatic Corps,
Dear Brothers and Sisters,

During these days of great intensity, we have chanted the litany of the saints on three different occasions: at the funeral of our Holy Father John Paul II; as the Cardinals entered the Conclave; and again today, when we sang it with the response: Tu illum adiuva – sustain the new Successor of Saint Peter. On each occasion, in a particular way, I found great consolation in listening to this prayerful chant. How alone we all felt after the passing of John Paul II – the Pope who for over twenty-six years had been our shepherd and guide on our journey through life! He crossed the threshold of the next life, entering into the mystery of God. But he did not take this step alone. Those who believe are never alone – neither in life nor in death. At that moment, we could call upon the Saints from every age – his friends, his brothers and sisters in the faith – knowing that they would form a living procession to accompany him into the next world, into the glory of God. We knew that his arrival was awaited. Now we know that he is among his own and is truly at home. We were also consoled as we made our solemn entrance into Conclave, to elect the one whom the Lord had chosen. How would we be able to discern his name? How could 115 Bishops, from every culture and every country, discover the one on whom the Lord wished to confer the mission of binding and loosing? Once again, we knew that we were not alone, we knew that we were surrounded, led and guided by the friends of God. And now, at this moment, weak servant of God that I am, I must assume this enormous task, which truly exceeds all human capacity. How can I do this? How will I be able to do it? All of you, my dear friends, have just invoked the entire host of Saints, represented by some of the great names in the history of God’s dealings with mankind. In this way, I too can say with renewed conviction: I am not alone. I do not have to carry alone what in truth I could never carry alone. All the Saints of God are there to protect me, to sustain me and to carry me. And your prayers, my dear friends, your indulgence, your love, your faith and your hope accompany me. Indeed, the communion of Saints consists not only of the great men and women who went before us and whose names we know. All of us belong to the communion of Saints, we who have been baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, we who draw life from the gift of Christ’s Body and Blood, through which he transforms us and makes us like himself. Yes, the Church is alive – this is the wonderful experience of these days. During those sad days of the Pope’s illness and death, it became wonderfully evident to us that the Church is alive. And the Church is young. She holds within herself the future of the world and therefore shows each of us the way towards the future. The Church is alive and we are seeing it: we are experiencing the joy that the Risen Lord promised his followers. The Church is alive – she is alive because Christ is alive, because he is truly risen. In the suffering that we saw on the Holy Father’s face in those days of Easter, we contemplated the mystery of Christ’s Passion and we touched his wounds. But throughout these days we have also been able, in a profound sense, to touch the Risen One. We have been able to experience the joy that he promised, after a brief period of darkness, as the fruit of his resurrection.

The Church is alive – with these words, I greet with great joy and gratitude all of you gathered here, my venerable brother Cardinals and Bishops, my dear priests, deacons, Church workers, catechists. I greet you, men and women Religious, witnesses of the transfiguring presence of God. I greet you, members of the lay faithful, immersed in the great task of building up the Kingdom of God which spreads throughout the world, in every area of life. With great affection I also greet all those who have been reborn in the sacrament of Baptism but are not yet in full communion with us; and you, my brothers and sisters of the Jewish people, to whom we are joined by a great shared spiritual heritage, one rooted in God’s irrevocable promises. Finally, like a wave gathering force, my thoughts go out to all men and women of today, to believers and non-believers alike.

Dear friends! At this moment there is no need for me to present a programme of governance. I was able to give an indication of what I see as my task in my Message of Wednesday 20 April, and there will be other opportunities to do so. My real programme of governance is not to do my own will, not to pursue my own ideas, but to listen, together with the whole Church, to the word and the will of the Lord, to be guided by Him, so that He himself will lead the Church at this hour of our history. Instead of putting forward a programme, I should simply like to comment on the two liturgical symbols which represent the inauguration of the Petrine Ministry; both these symbols, moreover, reflect clearly what we heard proclaimed in today’s readings.

The first symbol is the Pallium, woven in pure wool, which will be placed on my shoulders. This ancient sign, which the Bishops of Rome have worn since the fourth century, may be considered an image of the yoke of Christ, which the Bishop of this City, the Servant of the Servants of God, takes upon his shoulders. God’s yoke is God’s will, which we accept. And this will does not weigh down on us, oppressing us and taking away our freedom. To know what God wants, to know where the path of life is found – this was Israel’s joy, this was her great privilege. It is also our joy: God’s will does not alienate us, it purifies us – even if this can be painful – and so it leads us to ourselves. In this way, we serve not only him, but the salvation of the whole world, of all history. The symbolism of the Pallium is even more concrete: the lamb’s wool is meant to represent the lost, sick or weak sheep which the shepherd places on his shoulders and carries to the waters of life. For the Fathers of the Church, the parable of the lost sheep, which the shepherd seeks in the desert, was an image of the mystery of Christ and the Church. The human race – every one of us – is the sheep lost in the desert which no longer knows the way. The Son of God will not let this happen; he cannot abandon humanity in so wretched a condition. He leaps to his feet and abandons the glory of heaven, in order to go in search of the sheep and pursue it, all the way to the Cross. He takes it upon his shoulders and carries our humanity; he carries us all – he is the good shepherd who lays down his life for the sheep. What the Pallium indicates first and foremost is that we are all carried by Christ. But at the same time it invites us to carry one another. Hence the Pallium becomes a symbol of the shepherd’s mission, of which the Second Reading and the Gospel speak. The pastor must be inspired by Christ’s holy zeal: for him it is not a matter of indifference that so many people are living in the desert. And there are so many kinds of desert. There is the desert of poverty, the desert of hunger and thirst, the desert of abandonment, of loneliness, of destroyed love. There is the desert of God’s darkness, the emptiness of souls no longer aware of their dignity or the goal of human life. The external deserts in the world are growing, because the internal deserts have become so vast. Therefore the earth’s treasures no longer serve to build God’s garden for all to live in, but they have been made to serve the powers of exploitation and destruction. The Church as a whole and all her Pastors, like Christ, must set out to lead people out of the desert, towards the place of life, towards friendship with the Son of God, towards the One who gives us life, and life in abundance. The symbol of the lamb also has a deeper meaning. In the Ancient Near East, it was customary for kings to style themselves shepherds of their people. This was an image of their power, a cynical image: to them their subjects were like sheep, which the shepherd could dispose of as he wished. When the shepherd of all humanity, the living God, himself became a lamb, he stood on the side of the lambs, with those who are downtrodden and killed. This is how he reveals himself to be the true shepherd: “I am the Good Shepherd . . . I lay down my life for the sheep”, Jesus says of himself (Jn 10:14f). It is not power, but love that redeems us! This is God’s sign: he himself is love. How often we wish that God would make show himself stronger, that he would strike decisively, defeating evil and creating a better world. All ideologies of power justify themselves in exactly this way, they justify the destruction of whatever would stand in the way of progress and the liberation of humanity. We suffer on account of God’s patience. And yet, we need his patience. God, who became a lamb, tells us that the world is saved by the Crucified One, not by those who crucified him. The world is redeemed by the patience of God. It is destroyed by the impatience of man.

One of the basic characteristics of a shepherd must be to love the people entrusted to him, even as he loves Christ whom he serves. “Feed my sheep”, says Christ to Peter, and now, at this moment, he says it to me as well. Feeding means loving, and loving also means being ready to suffer. Loving means giving the sheep what is truly good, the nourishment of God’s truth, of God’s word, the nourishment of his presence, which he gives us in the Blessed Sacrament. My dear friends – at this moment I can only say: pray for me, that I may learn to love the Lord more and more. Pray for me, that I may learn to love his flock more and more – in other words, you, the holy Church, each one of you and all of you together. Pray for me, that I may not flee for fear of the wolves. Let us pray for one another, that the Lord will carry us and that we will learn to carry one another.

The second symbol used in today’s liturgy to express the inauguration of the Petrine Ministry is the presentation of the fisherman’s ring. Peter’s call to be a shepherd, which we heard in the Gospel, comes after the account of a miraculous catch of fish: after a night in which the disciples had let down their nets without success, they see the Risen Lord on the shore. He tells them to let down their nets once more, and the nets become so full that they can hardly pull them in; 153 large fish: “and although there were so many, the net was not torn” (Jn 21:11). This account, coming at the end of Jesus’s earthly journey with his disciples, corresponds to an account found at the beginning: there too, the disciples had caught nothing the entire night; there too, Jesus had invited Simon once more to put out into the deep. And Simon, who was not yet called Peter, gave the wonderful reply: “Master, at your word I will let down the nets.” And then came the conferral of his mission: “Do not be afraid. Henceforth you will be catching men” (Lk 5:1-11). Today too the Church and the successors of the Apostles are told to put out into the deep sea of history and to let down the nets, so as to win men and women over to the Gospel – to God, to Christ, to true life. The Fathers made a very significant commentary on this singular task. This is what they say: for a fish, created for water, it is fatal to be taken out of the sea, to be removed from its vital element to serve as human food. But in the mission of a fisher of men, the reverse is true. We are living in alienation, in the salt waters of suffering and death; in a sea of darkness without light. The net of the Gospel pulls us out of the waters of death and brings us into the splendour of God’s light, into true life. It is really true: as we follow Christ in this mission to be fishers of men, we must bring men and women out of the sea that is salted with so many forms of alienation and onto the land of life, into the light of God. It is really so: the purpose of our lives is to reveal God to men. And only where God is seen does life truly begin. Only when we meet the living God in Christ do we know what life is. We are not some casual and meaningless product of evolution. Each of us is the result of a thought of God. Each of us is willed, each of us is loved, each of us is necessary. There is nothing more beautiful than to be surprised by the Gospel, by the encounter with Christ. There is nothing more beautiful than to know Him and to speak to others of our friendship with Him. The task of the shepherd, the task of the fisher of men, can often seem wearisome. But it is beautiful and wonderful, because it is truly a service to joy, to God’s joy which longs to break into the world.

Here I want to add something: both the image of the shepherd and that of the fisherman issue an explicit call to unity. “I have other sheep that are not of this fold; I must lead them too, and they will heed my voice. So there shall be one flock, one shepherd” (Jn 10:16); these are the words of Jesus at the end of his discourse on the Good Shepherd. And the account of the 153 large fish ends with the joyful statement: “although there were so many, the net was not torn” (Jn 21:11). Alas, beloved Lord, with sorrow we must now acknowledge that it has been torn! But no – we must not be sad! Let us rejoice because of your promise, which does not disappoint, and let us do all we can to pursue the path towards the unity you have promised. Let us remember it in our prayer to the Lord, as we plead with him: yes, Lord, remember your promise. Grant that we may be one flock and one shepherd! Do not allow your net to be torn, help us to be servants of unity!

At this point, my mind goes back to 22 October 1978, when Pope John Paul II began his ministry here in Saint Peter’s Square. His words on that occasion constantly echo in my ears: “Do not be afraid! Open wide the doors for Christ!” The Pope was addressing the mighty, the powerful of this world, who feared that Christ might take away something of their power if they were to let him in, if they were to allow the faith to be free. Yes, he would certainly have taken something away from them: the dominion of corruption, the manipulation of law and the freedom to do as they pleased. But he would not have taken away anything that pertains to human freedom or dignity, or to the building of a just society. The Pope was also speaking to everyone, especially the young. Are we not perhaps all afraid in some way? If we let Christ enter fully into our lives, if we open ourselves totally to him, are we not afraid that He might take something away from us? Are we not perhaps afraid to give up something significant, something unique, something that makes life so beautiful? Do we not then risk ending up diminished and deprived of our freedom? And once again the Pope said: No! If we let Christ into our lives, we lose nothing, nothing, absolutely nothing of what makes life free, beautiful and great. No! Only in this friendship are the doors of life opened wide. Only in this friendship is the great potential of human existence truly revealed. Only in this friendship do we experience beauty and liberation. And so, today, with great strength and great conviction, on the basis of long personal experience of life, I say to you, dear young people: Do not be afraid of Christ! He takes nothing away, and he gives you everything. When we give ourselves to him, we receive a hundredfold in return. Yes, open, open wide the doors to Christ – and you will find true life. Amen.

[Vatican Original text: English]

Images from Inauguration Mass- April 24, 2005

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Moonbats Who Call Themselves Catholic Begin Their Raving and Ranting.

Just in case anyone desires proof that the moonbats and muckadoos, even those who claim to be Catholic, hate our new Pope, here's the following from the internet (it didn't take them long to start with their bitterness and bile, did it?):

Oh God, this is a horrible day for my church ... I am probably completely out the door now. I can't believe the cardinals were such dimwitted creepazoids as to elect nasty-ass Ratzinger pope. I was Anybody But Bush in the last U.S. presidential election and I was Anybody But Ratzinger in this papal election. I can't believe they elected RatFink. My church is committing suicide. This guy is the most hardline cardinal, opposed to all winds of openness and all efforts to make the church responsive to the needs of the people. This is the guy who, when deep thinkers and impeccable scholars question elements of doctrinal policy, he just gags them and kicks them out. I'm gutted. May God save the church from RatFink's hands. Pope Benedict? Pope Maledict. I think I'm going to throw up.

That chunk of vituperative vomit against the Pope by an unhinged demoniac was followed by this:

Who he is and why he makes me sick: URL

Such persons who claim to be Christian, much less Catholic, need to leave the Church and stop pretending to be something that they are not. There's the door. Don't let it hit you in the ass on the way out.

You've been told and NOW YOU KNOW.

Habemus Papam! We Need to Sing a Te Deum.

Habemus Papam! We have a Pope. Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger is now Pope Benedict XVI. I can hear the shrieks and screams, the wailing and gnashing of teeth of every moonbat, "liberal," secularist and just plain nuts freak in the world, and particularly here in America. The feminists are wetting their panties. The front-tailed monkeys are screeching and hopping up and down as their knuckles drag the ground.

For the above reasons alone, we need to fall to our needs and thank the Lord our God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Pope Benedict XVI is a holy man who strikes fear and revulsion into the very hearts of those are the Church's staunchest enemies and detractors. They are having apoplectic fits even as I type this. Good! Pax et Bonum.

Cardinal Ratzinger has said:

"We are moving, toward a dictatorship of relativism which does not recognize anything as for certain and which has as its highest goal one's own ego and one's own desires."

He has also said that the modern world has jumped "from one extreme to the other: from Marxism to liberalism, even to libertinism; from collectivism to radical individualism; from atheism to a vague religious mysticism; from agnosticism to syncretism."

Our Blessèd new Pope Benedict XVI has also previously stated, "having a clear faith, based on the creed of the church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism."

Truer words were never spoken about how the modern culture and media have consistently sought to depict all Christians, not just Catholics, as fanatics or veritable maniacs. Here is a Pope who calls a spade a spade.

No wonder that the secular world shudders. It has always hated hearing the truth about itself. That is why they will detest our new Pope with as much fervent hatred as we will revere and love him.

Now thank we all our God.

You've been told and NOW YOU KNOW.

Sunday, April 10, 2005


As you know if you have been reading this blog, I have very recently left the Libertarian party after many, many years of being an active and contributing member. I have contributed to campaigns, stuffed envelopes, made phone calls and whatever I could do to promote the idea of liberty as our founding fathers knew it.

As you also know, I wrote in detail here about why I left a party that has abandoned the principles of liberty to espouse libertinism and murder.

Any political party that would cheer and actively support the murder of Terri Schiavo, abortion, and indeed, the murder of any and all cannot be my political party. Their stance is no longer a stance for liberty, it is a stance of irresponsible lunacy.

And speaking of irresponsible lunatics, here's what one mongoloid idiot on the internet has to say:

Here's a thoughtful individual who thinks that Terri Schiavo ought to have been kept alive, and doesn't have much good to say about those who disagree. For someone who says "I can't think of a hell deep enough for you all to fry in, but I don't have to think of one. God has that covered," he doesn't seem at all sure that God's going to be stern enough.

I've got a definition of hell for you: An eternity of this guy screaming in one ear and Brian Leiter screaming in the other.
Posted by Mr Green at
11:15 AM Comments (1) TrackBack (0)

That poor moron, going by the name of Mme. Puce or whatever it's calling itself, has a blog (if one can call it that) where it rarely posts anything at all, but its infrequency of posting must be taken for a mercy and a virtue. It's bad enough that such an uneducated and virtually illiterate troglodyte as Señorita Fuchsia even has a blog. Compounding the offense of its deliberate ignorance and subnormal IQ, it also has a total disregard for human life (you know, all those life forms who are superior to Frau Chartreuse).

I have a better definition of hell for you, Mlle. Mauve [or whatever ridiculous alias you don for the day]: Hell is that place wherein you and those of your ilk will treat one another through all eternity in the same manner you treated others on earth; that is to say with a total contempt for one another and an utter hatred of life. Hell is being eternally out of God's presence and in the presence of none but those such as you. You deserve one another. How utterly pitiable you would be, if it weren't for the fact that you defend and promote the murder of innocents. Even God has his limits in forgiveness: Matthew 12:31

I begin to suspect that T. H. White was absolutely right; stupidity such as yours really is the sin against the Holy Spirit.

You've been told and NOW YOU KNOW.

BOYCOTT FLORIDA! -- Terri Schiavo Aftermath

All of us who protested the murder of Terri Schindler-Schiavo need to send a loud and clear message to the state of Florida where that atrocity of inhumane torture, starvation and dehydration was committed.

It's not enough to hold Michael Schiavo, George Felon Felos and judge George W. Greer accountable. True, they were major players that brought about the cruel killing of Terri, but three men could never have done it alone. Just look at the mindset of these monsters in Pinellas Country, Florida.

Not to mention the Florida law enforcement agencies that enabled this murder when their sworn duty is to serve and to protect. Evidently they serve and protect murderers, not innocent life.

Don't forget the Florida legislature either and their role in this abomination. Don't forget the people of Florida who elected them and put these faithless and feckless legislators in power.

Don't buy products from Florida. Don't spend your vaction dollars in Florida. Don't plan or hold business or organizational conventions in Florida.

Let's him them where it hurts. So many championed and hastened Terri's death under the war cry of "Kill the people who cost money!" Fine. Money is their god. Let's hurt them in the only way they understand.

It will be a cold day in hell before I visit Florida as a tourist or spend my money at its theme parks (such as Disneyworld, Epcot Center, etc.) Why should our money go to support and enable them? Why should the money of pro-life individuals and organizations fatten Florida's coffers?

And as far as hurricane aid goes, never again will I donate to Florida after one of their many and repeated natural disasters. Never until we have sent a loud and clear message: Florida, we will NOT financially enable you to become the euthanasia center for the US or the world.

Remember when states were boycotted just for not declaring Martin Luther King Day as a paid state holiday? Remember the impact that had?

Florida and all states that support the killing of the innocent need to be sent the same message. We do not support you and neither will our dollars!

You've been told and NOW YOU KNOW.

Saturday, April 09, 2005


First, I apologize for the light blogging. Things should get back to a more regular blogging schedule shortly. Thank you for your patience. had this update regarding Mae Magouirk:

BREAKING NEWS: Mae is out of the hospice (Update)

Just received telephone call (3:00 PM ET) from Ken Mullinax, nephew of Mae.

Terri saves another life!

Followed by this email:
THANKS TO THE SUPPORT OF ALL OF THE FRIENDS OF TERRI, MY AUNT MAE MAGOUIRK HAS BEEN AIR LIFTED TO THE UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA-BIRMINGHAM MEDICAL CENTER ... and receiving IV fluids, nourishment and some of the finest medical care available in the United States! Praise be the name of the Lord GOD... Thanks to Terri's friends... It would NEVER ever have been possible without bloggers who love life , and the truth!! I am racing from my home to UAB now and will type a detailed update after I see my Aunt Mae! Thanks guys, your calls, emails, blogs and prayers did it ALL!!! I so love you guys!!!!!!!!!! Ken Mullinax, nephew of Mae

-End email


Update: The comment about it not being over yet came from Ken over the telephone, as he was rushing to see Mae. He said he'd elaborate more as soon as he had the chance. That is all we have at the moment.

Cross posted at Hyscience

Posted by richard at April 9, 2005 02:01 PM

Our fight to preserve innocent life would be so much easier if we did not have to contend with the ignorant and delusional rantings of bloodthirsty monsters such as this:

Today a bunch of rightie bloggers are worked up over the case of a Georgia woman who they say is neither terminal nor comatose but is being deprived of care by a grandaughter who, naturally will inherit a bunch of money when Granny dies. In other words, they've found their new Terri Schiavo.

Now, if the facts of the case are as the bloggers describe them, poor Granny is indeed being callously and cruelly starved to death. However, if the facts of the case are as the bloggers describe them, I will eat my sneakers.

Sneakers, huh? That's considerably more to eat than you inhumane bastard spawn gave to Terri Schiavo to eat when you championed her starvation and dehydration. Bon appétit! With any luck, you'll choke on those sneakers and there will be no one around to administer the Heimlich manoeuvre, which no doubt you would refuse anyway. After all, you're so set against any measure that would prolong life, much less the life of one who is "brain dead."

The liberal Left and all their deathist compatriots are truly a malignant cancer which, if left untreated, will surely be the death of this country.

You've been told and NOW YOU KNOW.


Slippery slope, huh? Did I not tell you that we already have slid down that slope to the bottom?

I can assure you, there are more murder-minded individuals such as this reprehensible Beth Gaddy and the equally odious Michael Schiavo than most of you ever imagined. What's worse, now the murderers are not only using fraud and perjury to get their way and commit their atrocities, they are being backed by the out-of- control judiciary and the lying liberal left.

Beth Gaddy, you are certainly making a name for yourself. Unfortunately, it's not the sort of name that one can repeat in polite society.

You've been told and NOW YOU KNOW.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005


Richard at is asking for help to get the word out about this:

Shiavo case Redux in Georgia: Mae Magouirk…not comatose,not vegetative,not terminal, BEING STARVED AND DEHYDRATED TO DEATH (Update)

Please propagate throughout the Internet!

UPDATE 1(noticed question in comments about authentication): This was confirmed by lengthy telephone call before it was posted. I personally spoke with Kenneth Mullinax, and have more details than has been posted. We do need to seek copies of court documents for posting

From: The Family of Mae Magouirk
To: BlogsForTerri and their readers
Subject: Family Seeking Help From BFT Bloggers and Media
April 6, 2005

Contact: Kenneth Mullinax Ph: 205-408-7598

Why is Hospice LaGrange, Ga. withholding nourishment?

Mae Magouirk is being withheld nourishment and fluids and the Provisions of her Living Will are not being honored at the Hospice-LaGrange, (1510 Vernon Street, LaGrange “Troup County” Georgia, (706-845-3905) a subsidiary of the LaGrange Hospital in LaGrange Georgia.

Her family is desperately seeking to save her life before she dies of malnourishment and dehydration.

Mae Magouirk IS NOT comatose and she IS NOT vegetative. She is not terminal!

Despite these facts the Hospice and Beth Gaddy (706-882-9124), a school teacher at LaGrange’s Calloway Middle School and granddaughter of Mae Magouirk(who according to "heresay," may have been mismanaging funds of the 85 yr-old woman) have been denying her proactive nourishment or fluids (via a nose administered feeding tube or fluids via an IV) since March 28 without prior legal consent; against the wishes of her Living Will and against the wishes of Mae Magouirk’s closest living next of kin. Mae Magouirk’s next of kin are: Mr. A. B. McLeod (Her Brother 256-236-1331) and Mrs. Lonnie Ruth Mullinax (Her sister 205-408-7598) both of nearby Anniston, Alabama.

Under Georgia law, unless a medical durable power of attorney is in place, your closest living next of kin are stipulated to make all medical decisions. When Mae Magouirk’s closest living next of kin lodged a complaint with Hospice LaGrange’s in-house attorney Carol Todd (706-882-1411) last Thursday, March 31, Ms. Todd checked Mae Magouirk’s case file and upon examination of both documents discovered that Beth Gaddy DID NOT have the durable medical power of attorney for Mae Magouirk and upon closer examination of Mae Magouirk’s Living Will ascertained that fluids and nourishment were ONLY TO BE WITHHELD if she was either comatose or vegetative.


Nor is Mae Magouirk terminally ill. Her local LaGrange, Ga. cardiologist, Dr. James Brennan (706-812-4308) and Dr. Raed Aqel, (205-934-9999) a highly acclaimed interventional cardiologist at the nationally renowned University of Alabama-Birmingham Medical Center have determined that Mae Magouirk’s aortic dissection is contained and not presently life threatening.

Two weeks ago, Mae Magouirk’s aorta had a dissection and she was hospitalized in the LaGrange Hospital in LaGrange, Ga. Her aortic problem was at first determined to be severe and she was admitted in the intensive care Unit. Her granddaughter, Beth Gaddy, a teacher at the Calloway Middle School in LaGrange, stated that she held Mae Magouirk’s medical power of attorney and thus invoked said powers against the wishes of Mae Magouirk’s closest living next of kin by having her moved to Hospice-LaGrange. While at Hospice-LaGrange, Beth Gaddy stated that her wishes were for no nourishment for Mae Magouirk v Probate Judge Donald Boyd (706) 883-1690)…
Court CASE NUMBER: Estate 138-05

Attorney for saving Mae’s life: Jack Kirby, Kirby & Roberts, (706) 884-2992***

Update 2:
On the personal side, I know that many if not all of you are emotionally and perhaps physically exhausted from all of your efforts during the last week of Terri's life. I share that malady. We fought hard, but we were new at the game of trying to save a life with our keyboards, and allowed ourselves to often think with our hearts instead of our heads.

But that's behind us, and we are a larger group now and growing, we've gained some experience and contacts, we've learned a little more about how to work together and are getting better organized, and we are learning how to divide up our labors and act quickly. Let's try to avoid letting our hearts overtake us, let's use them because they are a great asset, but we have to outsmart and outwork the euthanasia crowd, and let's not forget that. We are likely to have many people like Terri that need our help, so let's move forward methodically and with determination to stay the course, together.

One last thing: We know how hateful and angry our opposition can be, but let's not fall into the trap of getting angry ourselves - let's keep our cool, be an example for others to follow, and by all means pray hard and fight hard.

Update 3: Random and Politically Incorect Thoughts also verified.

Posted by richard at April 6, 2005 09:46 PM

Let's not let this happen again! Richard verified it, Random and Politically Incorrect Thoughts verified it, and Straight Up with Sherri has also verified it. Let's get the word out and stop another horrific murder and tragedy from taking place.

You've been told and NOW YOU KNOW.


Go to this website and read their profile of Michael Richard Schiavo:


Born: April 3, 1963, Levittown PA. Parents, William and Claire Schiavo (both deceased). Michael is the youngest of five boys.

Married: November 1984 to Theresa Schindler, 20 yrs. of age. Michael Schiavo was 21 yrs. old.

Physical Characteristics: Michael Schiavo is 6’6" and weighs close to 250 lbs., compared to Terri’s 5’3" height and 115 lbs. weight.

Residence: Moved from Philadelphia, PA to St. Petersburg, FL in April of 1986. From 1995 to the present, living with his fiancée, Jodi Centonze and their two children, residing in Clearwater, FL
Early Employment: Michael Schiavo’s initial employment in Florida was the onset of employment at six different restaurants over the ensuing 2 ½ years. His length of employment at times was only for two weeks to a month.

Michael Schiavo’s attitude was a major contributor to his chronic unemployment. He had a tendency to outspend Terri’s income, and his inability to retain employment created a serious financial problem, impacting their marriage. Also, it has been alleged that Michael’s restaurant environment introduced him to drugs.

Some Background Information: Most people, particularly Terri, were easily intimidated because of Michael’s size. It has been documented that Michael had rages of anger and would use his physical stature to bully people, and as indicated in their attached personal experiences and affidavits, it was mostly women that were the subject of Michael’s episodes of anger.

In the early 1990’s, Michael Schiavo’s treating psychiatrist, Dr. Peter Kaplan, stated in a phone conversation with Terri’s father, in regards to a violent episode occurring between Michael and Terri’s younger sister Suzanne, that Michael was potentially dangerous and should a situation re occur, to call the police.

In a deposition from November 1992, that Michael admitted Dr. Kaplan prescribed Welbutron, Paneior, Elavil and Prozac medication to treat his condition.

Additionally, contrary to everything Michael admittedly learned in his CPR training, he did not turn Terri over and clear her airway the night that she collapsed. His CPR training could have re-started her heart.

So, William and Claire Schiavo are deceased and aren't around to see what their sons have become and what they have done to their family name.

Michael is the youngest of five boys. I've previously run across mention of Scott, Steve, and Brian. With Michael, that only makes 4 of their sons.

Read the whole thing. What a pity Michael's psychiatrist couldn't prevent his patient from becoming a murderer.

You've been told and NOW YOU KNOW.


You simply will not believe the chutzpah of Scott Schiavo, the brother of Michael Schiavo. I just saw Scott Schiavo on CNN and he was saying that the Schindler family (i.e. Terri's family) needed to apologize to the Schiavo family!

Also, there is this article quoting Scott:

Scott Schiavo expressed relief that his sister-in-law's ordeal was over, and anger at those who have attacked the Schiavo family.

This isn't over by a long shot, We're going to get our name right," he said. "The world is going to know who Mike was, they're going to know Mike wasn't a beast."
Oh, really? You deluded fool! Brothers Scott Schiavo, Steven Schiavo, and Brian Schiavo, you need to know that you are as guilty of murdering Terri Schindler as your brother is. You are as guilty of his adulterous relationship with Jodi Centonze as he is. You are as guilty as he is for the spawning of his illegitimate children with Ms. Centonze. Through it all you have defended the undefendable atrocities, you have excused the inexcusable abominations, you have aided and abetted every heinous despicable crime of your brother. You have applauded him and boasted and bragged in the depths of your unmitigated wickedness. You spit in the face of God, so of course you don't mind spitting upon His children.

And you have the utmost effrontery to say on national television that the Schindlers owe your detestable "family" an apology? Yeah, right. Like Sharon Tate's relations owe the Charles Manson "family" an apology.

Scott Schiavo, Steve Schiavo, Brian Schiavo, Michael Schiavo -- it must take one hell of an amoral and degenerate set of parents to have spawned and raised you three. You have demonstrated yourselves to be utterly detestable. No one of decent society or upbringing would have anything to do with any of you, except maybe to buy a piece of the rope for a souvenir were you to be publicly hanged.

Scott Schiavo, Steve Schiavo, Brian Schiavo and Michael Schiavo, GO TO HELL. And please be so kind as to take along the putrid kind of sluts that would have anything to do with you, much less shack up with you.

It is not my Christian duty to cover up your sins or to pretend that a pile of manure smells like roses. Terri's innocent blood is on your hands. The world has seen you for what you are. Michael is worse than a beast, and evidently, so is his entire repulsive "family."

You've been told and NOW YOU KNOW.